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Four members of the Jefferson State Insulator Club endured the 1000-mile round-trip once again for another fun get-together at the Rohde Ranch in April, 2003. The weather behaved perfectly, and as usual, more insulators came back than were taken down.

Nathan looks over a sales table.
...and so does Carl Scott
Dwayne Anthony shows a new CD to Dale Huber and Dave Elliot.
Carl Contemplates a California.
Denley Bryson had a table full of nice Californias, and even some great porcelain.
JSIC Pres. Scott Morrell at the end of Larry Shumaker's table.
Mike Doyle and Mike Spadafora display a M-2795 with the original pin, pin base and pole top from the Colgate line.
Dave Brown brought this Mulford and Biddle in a tree burl to show.
Bill Harrison and Bill Heitkotter inspect an olive hoopskirt.
Stuffing every last space with insulators for the trip home.
(note..this is a photo from 2002...but it was the same story again this year!)

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