CD 162.1 Sapphire Blue - irradiated

By Lee Brewer; posted August 22, 2004

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This is a re-posting of an old picture (this one is better color representation) of an irradiated CD 162.1 "Top Hat" Signal (another nickname I use!). Please note I was not irradiating pieces on a whim. This all came into the CREB research project as I had some legitimate reasons for trying to gamma irradiate CREB145's (hopefully determining groupings of the shop numbers, the different possible sands used to manufacture them, and determining whether certain colors were legitimate). Other Brookfield pieces, not CREB's, were done in an attempt to try to determine if the same sands were used in some CREB's as in other Brookfield pieces (possibly linking the two together and dating them). I kept in contact with Dwayne Anthony, who is the main spokesperson in the NIA for irradiated insulators. I have made sure this project has kept within NIA guidelines. [id=69959447] for an old picture of the Irradiated sapphire Canada 164 No 38-20.