WILL Substation Down Due to a Squirrel ~#~Air~

By Zachary Gillihan; posted January 21, 2004

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Today at 3:05PM on the SC Police reported that stop lights from Lemay Ferry and Lindberg to Victor to Will to Union all the 34kv line was dead. Police said " Lines Down, Lines Down" and nothing more so i got to the scene at 3:16 and there were no lines everywhere. Finally traced every 34kv line to a substation near my house and it was on then i traced it to the substation near WILL and there was a AmerenUE truck so i stopped by and they said half the sub was on the other half was off. They said a squirrel climbed down A phase and got to a open switch and shorted and blew up the switch, Here's the picture of were the squirrel was on the switch, see that the first skirt is busted and that there are flash marks. They let me into the sub but i couldn't move around much due to that half the sub was still ON.