Brent Mills, Porcelain Insulators and How they Grew, $35 postpaid.

By Rick Soller; posted January 4, 2025

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Brent Mills. (1970). Porcelain Insulators and How they Grew. Worn dust jacket. Includes three-fold flyer about the book. $35 postpaid, PayPal friends & family, check, or money order. Written by the former president of Lapp, it has a chapter on all the U.S. and Canadian porcelain insulator companies: Locke, Thomas, G.E., Lima, Ohio Brass, Canadian Porcelain, Pittsburg, Lapp, Jeffrey DeWitte, Porcelain Products, Illinois Electric Porcelain, Knox Porcelain, and Victor. There is also a chapter on Corning Glass works and their Pyrex power insulators. Other chapters cover the development of pin-type insulators, suspension insulators, and post insulators. 228 pages. Hardbound. Rick Soller