22 Assorted Insulators - Sold

By Judd Moody; posted October 31, 2003

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Here are 22 assorted extras I have - all in excellent condition. (20 in pic - 2 not pictured) No duplicates. Would make a good starter set for a new collector - or basic sales/trader stock for anyone else. A quick rundown - 2 hemi 43 CD 214 clear and green aqua, 2 CD 145 hemi 21, regular and narrow dome, 1 Pyrex clear, 1 hemi 12 clear, 3 CD 154 Hemi 42 - clear, dark hemi blue, and ice blue, - 1 Hawley CD 145 with a nice snot trail up and over the dome, 1 Maydwell 20 signal, hemi 14 and 20 signals - clear, hemi 19 signal - blue aqua, CD 152 hemi 40 and Brookfield, Whitall Tatum 9, hemi 9, 2 other Hemingrays. I think that about covers it. 2 Not pictured - I have a CD 145 CREB and CD 145 W. Brookfield beehives (not pictured) I'll throw in too. Email with questions. $35.00 total - (shipping included) to anywhere in continental US, or $18.00 + actual shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, and other countries. SOLD