Holiday Wanted List, Abridged and updated

By Ed Carney; posted November 18, 2023

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Holidays coming up! In case anyone wishes to sell the items thus listed, to generate funds for their holiday while making my holiday. Hoping, as always and in all cases, for as VNM+'y as it can get. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Hogswatch (for those who like to visit The Disc World).

CD102--- NEGM ponies in dark aqua, green aqua, and yellow green--- Brookfield EIN093 "NEW YOPK" SKEB error--- Brookfield EIN110 "BROOFIELD" CREB error where the RC has a mold number--- California in plain old aqua

CD121--- Hemingray EIN096 1893 dated but smooth based, "A" in "MAY" missing cross bar, plain/blue aqua--- Am Tel & Tel Co. EIN005 with dome number INCUSE--- OVG Co. in aqua, light aqua, and light green jade--- Unembossed Australian in sage with milk swirls, dark amethyst, Burgundy amethyst, ice aqua

CD122.4--- Hemingray E-2 in lemon or light lemon

CD127.1--- WUP large font embossing (cheaper aqua just dandy)

CD128--- Hemingray CSA EIN040 in yellow/clear 2 tone, and milky lemon--- Armstrong EIN010 in blue tint (greenish bluish tint)

CD133--- Hemingray EIN060 1893 dated but with smooth base--- Brookfield EIN125/300/305 with backward "C" error in "CLIFF"--- Brookfield EIN230 number 2 mold number

CD134--- Brookfield EIN210 "No. 41" in plain lighter aqua--- Brookfield EIN230 "No. 41" BROONFIELD error (very distorted "K" I believe it to be)

CD144.5--- Any nice condition example

CD154--- Hemingray MR

CD160--- HG Co. EIN100 "PEITTICOAT" error, in full green


CD417--- NEXO 6 on rear skirt

CD1090--- unembossed spool in ice aqua (these are the big heavy mommas, 3.5 X 2.75 inches)

CD1110--- BEL Co. with the embossing BELOW the wire groove

Ho Ho Ho!