CD 162 or 162.3?

By Chris Cotnoir; posted May 9, 2023

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The insulator on the left is a CD 162.3 EIN [015] (F-Skirt) BROOKFIELD (R-Skirt) NEW YORK/['B.G.M.CO.' blotted out] SB in Light Aqua.

I would have classified the insulator on the right as also being a CD 162.3 based on it being actually overall larger than the piece on the left. But in the most recent Price Guide, the listings for CD 162.3 do not show a plain BROOKFIELD//NEW YORK with a dome number. Only the W. BROOKFIELD//NEW YORK is listed with a dome number for this CD (under EIN [005]), and that listing shows only Light Aqua for available colors. This piece is clearly Green, and there is an obvious dome number of a backwards 5.

So does that mean that the piece shown here is actually a CD 162 EIN [030] (Dome) [Letter, #, and/or dot] (F-Skirt) BROOKFIELD (R-Skirt) NEW YORK SB? If so, then what are the defining characteristics that distinguish between any CD 162 and CD 162.3. Or put another way, if I were to hold both of these insulators in my hands while blindfolded, how would I be able to tell the CD 162 from the CD 162.3 (not counting the W)?

Or perhaps this insulator should be listed under CD 162.3 with a new EIN: (Dome) [#] (F-Skirt) BROOKFIELD (R-Skirt) NEW YORK SB with at least Green being a listed color. Value? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller??

ANSWER: Paul corrected my initial assumption that the insulator on the left is a CD 162.3 EIN [015] when it is actually a CD 162 EIN [190]., thus making the piece on the right a CD 162 EIN [030]. Brian suggested that after discussing this profile with another Brookfield expert recently, this one is a "really rare profile" which has sold at shows in the $50-$60 range. I'll be offering both of these for sale. [id=688250779]