CD102 NN Canada Backwards 2

By Jason Nickerson; posted January 10, 2023

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I recently acquired another one of these ponies and it got me thinking on a couple of things. Here is the colour lineup I have, I believe them to be L to R: Royal Purple, Purple, Light Purple, Light Purple, purple/pink tint, gray. Has a sage green example ever been confirmed or is it a listing error? It may exist but I lean towards it was likely listed in error long ago and carried on down the line. Has anyone seen any other colours on these oddball little pieces besides the gray/purple spectrum? It seems most of these have popped up in the Maritime provinces of Canada (where I turned up these 6 examples) and British Columbia Canada. Have they popped up in any other locations? Does anyone have any insights on who made them? Thanks for looking and any info anyone has to share on these please shoot me an email.