Lefferts Hook From NH RR Depot ~ PIC 2

By Kevin Gendron; posted September 19, 2022

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This absolutely pristine "Lefferts Hook" was brought into a group shop in Winchester, NH, during the late 80's or early 90's by the owner of an old railroad depot building in a small south western NH town near Keene, I believe, who stated he had removed it from beneath the eaves during a restoration / painting project. He stated that the piece would not come out initially but seemed to be slightly loose in its supporting wooden block. He then noticed a side dowel which he proceeded to tap out while holding onto the iron hook - voila!!! The shop clerk bought it for very little money. My late friend Ken LaFrenier got the first call on this piece and then re-sold to me. I hung onto it for a while then sold it to the late Dick Gay after he wouldn't budge on a trade deal for a super nice reddish amber Stoddard 740 Foster Brothers. Anyway, Dick Gay was enamored with the piece stating it was the "mintest" one he had ever seen. Don't know what ever became of this nice Lefferts piece after Dick's passing? Perhaps someone out there in hobby-land might know?