CD 160.4??

By Dan Gauron; posted December 3, 2021

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A friend came over to pick up a couple of insulators yesterday and show me a couple of insulators that he had hunted and picked up at local antique stores many years ago. One really piqued my interest, as I had never seen one before. The only one that I could match it up to is the CD 160.4 listed in the guide, and a ICON posting that Paul Greaves posted in the Help/Questions folder on April 04, 2004. I was just wondering if anyone out there has any more info or updates on this piece. I posted a photo of it here:

Paul Wrote/posted on 04-04-04: I just got this thing on eBay... I bid on it because I could not identify it, and that bothered me. Now that I have it in hand, I don't recall having seen one before, and I can't find a listing in the book that seems to fit it. It was described as a CD 162 with no embossing, and that may be as good a classification as any, but it is also close to a CD 160.4 in appearance (but not exact). Measurements are 2 7/8" wide by 3 1/2" high. The threading appears to be similar to some American Insulator Co. products and that is my guess as to it's origin. Has anyone seen one before? I'd really like to hear any opinions or insights! It was dug in a dump in New York. Here is a picture of the base [click here] (note that this insulator DOES have an inner skirt)

****Answer: After sending this insulator to John McDougald and then to N.R.Woodward, it has been officially classified as a CD 160.4. So far it appears to be the only one like it known. A completely new listing! The general consensus was that it is an American or Oakman product