CD 732 Clambroth, Moldy Clambroth, Milky Jade, Milky Sapphire, Olive & Rootbeer Amber...

By Dario Dimare; posted August 30, 2021

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CD 732 in Clambroth, Moldy Clambroth, Milky Jade, Milky Sapphire, Aqua, Blue, Green, Olive Amber and Rootbeer Amber, Light Green, Light Blue, Blue Aqua, & everything in-between! These are CRUDE Puppies for sure. They have bubbles (big and small), milk, rocks, big hunks of stuff and anything else you can imagine. They come with big underpours as well. They can differ in height by almost and inch! It just depends on how much glass the gatherer put in the mold on each one. the tops of some of these actually have shard of glass that did not melt all the way. Very much like the CD 701.6 Confederate Eggs.