CD-124.3 Dec. 19 1871 - Three Different (Back) - Boone Co. Iowa

By Jack Kesling; posted July 14, 2021

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This post shows the back side of the three different CD 124.3 insulators. It is of interest to note that the quality of these insulators was good for early Hemingray's - i.e. only minor over pours or under pours. Also, I should note that there were more of the CD 124.3 style than the CD 124.2 style which were also found. I'll give more information on the line these came off of in a later post.

(Right) CD 124.3 Pat. Dec.19.1871 (Straight Line Embossing) - FD / Large "E" - FS Large Script 4 -BD Lt. Blue Aqua With Bubbles & Microbubbles - 64mm x 88 mm

(Center) CD 124.3 Patent /Dec.19.1871. -FD Medium Script 4 -BD / "C" -BS Ice Mint Green With A Few Bubbles - 63mm x 88mm

(Right) CD 124.3 Patent /Dec.19.1871. -FD Small Script 4 - BD / "B" - BS Green With Microbubbles And Amber Swirls - Weak Embossing - 63mm x 88mm