CD 145 American Beehive Mold Variants

By Bill Snell; posted February 26, 2021

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Top row, L to R:

1. No dome letter, Am. Insolator Co. embossing error, EIN [010]. I believe this is the earliest type. (There is another mold variation with this embossing and a much narrower wire groove. I'll need to post that separately since I don't have an example in my collection.)

2. Dome V, Am. Insulator Co. with two patent dates, EIN [040].

3. Dome I, no rim embossing, No Name EIN [030]. Tapered dome. All unembossed American beehives I've seen are of this mold type.

4. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with two patent dates, EIN [040]. Narrow tapered dome.

5. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with two patent dates, EIN [040]. Wide dome and 5/16" wire groove.

Middle row:

1. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Tapered dome.

2. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Narrow tapered dome.

3. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Wide dome and 5/16" wire groove.

4. Dome I, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Wide dome and 3/8" wire groove.

Bottom row:

1. Dome XI, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, Jan. error, EIN [030]. Rounded dome.

2. Dome XI, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, Jan. error, EIN [030]. Flat dome.

3. Dome XI, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Rounded dome.

4. Dome XI, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Flat dome, 5/16" wire groove.

5. Dome XI, Am. Insulator Co. with three patent dates, EIN [020]. Flat dome, wide 9/16" wire groove. The circumferential moldline stops at the upper edge of the wire groove.

If you have other mold variations not shown here, I'd love to hear about them!