"You only live once" hunt.

By Jason Rich; posted December 14, 2020

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I was driving through a very bad part of the city when I spotted what looked to be a pole down in the brush just off the street. Against my better judgement, I parked my car, convinced myself it would still be there when I returned, and checked it out. Sure enough- insulators! But...they were frozen to the pins and I couldn't get them off by hand. So against my even better judgement, I went home, got tools, left my wallet on the counter, and returned. A couple STILL wouldn't come off but I did get three. I was excited to get a Brookfield 162.1 narrow dome variant. EIN [045]. Not that common, and my first. Also a couple Hemi 40s with the patent date and BF style mold. I THINK that the 40's have RDPs, making them EIN [075]. I know no 40s have true RDPs but these are the roundest I've come across. Opinions? Oh, and yeah, I made it home fine.