CD-132 Dec. 19 1871 - Green Character Piece - Charles Brandon Collection - NW Missouri

By Jack Kesling; posted November 27, 2020

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In early years, I did a lot of trading with Charles Brandon. One of these trades in the early 2000 included a trade of a CD 133.3 bar with a reverse 3 [id=604439696] and a CD 126 Brookfield in beautiful green [81506366] for a CD 132 Dec. 19 1871 and a CD 133 Dec 19 1871 [id=611064226]. Both of these early Hemingray's are character pieces and are two of my favorite insulators because of there beauty and for the fact they came from Charles Brandon.

My first post is a CD 132 which was found in Northwestern Missouri. Details are as follows:

CD-132 Patent / Dec.19-1871 (Front Dome) Script 2 (Back Dome - No Mold Number - 3 Piece Mold) - Crude Green With Milk, Amber Streak, and Bubbles - Overpour.

The following post shows the back of this CD 132. Link as follows: [id=611063435]

In the upcoming days, I plan to post on the rest of my CD 132 and CD 133.4 bullets which were found in Iowa. This will include two different Cadiz style insulators and a number of early Hemingray Dec. 19 1871 dated insultors - please stay tuned.