CD 162 Brookfield with Cullet in Skirt Sale

By Chris Cotnoir; posted November 21, 2020

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This CD 162 EIN [230] (F‑Skirt) BROOKFIELD/1 {MLOB} RB in Teal Aqua is just plain cool! The first thing you see are the straw marks in front that form a complete and almost perfect circle surrounding the whole front crown and extending through the wire groove on both sides to finish through the very top of the embossing in the front skirt. Plus, it's mold number 1. But the real coolness is found when you look between the inner and outer skirts just behind the left mold line to see a chunk of broken cullet that apparently fell in and got fused on one end to the inside of the outer skirt and on the other end to the outside of the inner skirt. Most of the insulator is mint, but there is a tiny 1/8" annealing stress crack up from the base in the rear, nibbling along sharp inside edge of the outer skirt, and a tiny base bruise right at the left mold line. None of this detracts from the awesome coolness of this old workhorse. (Note that the color in the bottom middle shot is way off due to the close-up.) Put this beauty on your "anomaly" shelf for just $15 plus postage.