CD-132.2 Paisley Style Vs. CD 133.2 P&W - Pennsylvania Railroad

By Jack Kesling; posted October 21, 2020

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This picture compares a CD 132.2 Paisley Style with a CD 133.2 P&W insulator both found on different section of the Pennsylvania Railroad north west and west of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Details on these two insulators are shown as follows:

CD-132.2 No Embosing - Paisley Style - Button Mold /MLOD - Light Blue Aqua - Top has a circle with a weakly embossed script 2 [click here]. The insulator has considerable character with many micro bubbles and several amber swirls. Measurements are 98 mm (Height) x 74 mm (Width).

CD-133.2 L.A.C. / Patd July 25th 1865 /P&W - Button MLOD [click here] - Crude Rich Blue Measuerments are: 95mm (Height) x 74 mm (Wide)