CD-126.1 WUT Co - Macon East to Savanna, GA - Georgia

By Jack Kesling; posted September 19, 2020

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During the period between 1969 to 1972, I made seven trips to hunt insulators on the Central of Georgia Railway telegraph line which ran East from Macon, Georgia to Savanna, Georgia. The following sections were hunted including: Rocky Ford, GA (West); Rocky Ford, GA (East) toward Dover, GA; and Dover, GA toward Halcyondale, GA (both West & East). Highway 17 tracks the Central of Georgia Railway line East toward Savanna, GA.

My notes indicate the line had four tiers of insulators in some sections and five tier in other sections. The top two tiers generally had older Western Union styles including CD 145, CD 133, CD 126 and CD 126.1. Although, this was a Western Union telegraph line there were no CD 127 or CD 126.3 Brookfield's. The unique insulators in these section included: large numbers of CD 126.1 insulators compares to other sections of the Central of Georgia and a very large number of dome embossed Brookfield CD 133 insulators. Embossings for the CD 126 WUT Brookfeild is as follows:

CD 126 W U T Co / Cauvets Pat / W Brookfield (front crown), (MLOD - both mold marks of 0 and 1) / Feb 22 70 / No 55 Fulton St NY (back crown), "Pat March 20 1877" on the front wire groove ridge, and "Pat Jan 25 1870" on the back wire groove ridge . The following are links to pictures already posted to this CD 126. Information on the CD 126.1 WUT Co. will follow. I will also post a comparison between the CD 126 and CD 126.1 WUT Co. (Insulator on the left).

CD-126 WUT Co. Front [604266469] CD-126 WUT Co. Back [604266551]