Looking for some Ponies and such, NEGM, Diamond, and Brookfield errors mostly

By Ed Carney; posted August 8, 2020

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Let's try for a few things tonight.

1) CD 102 N.E.G.M.'s: in dark aqua, green aqua, and yellow green. 2) CD 102 EIN093 Brookfield with the "NEW YOPK" skirt embossing error, or the EIN110 with the "BROOFIELD" error. 3) CD 102 EIN110 or 130 Diamond with the teeny drip points. Preference for the yellow amber, but flexible. 4) CD 134 EIN230 Brookfield No. 41 with the "BROONFIELD" backward N error (or a really bad K I am thinking).

Hoping for VNM or better on any/all.