By Timothy M. Baggett; posted January 28, 2020

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Here are two CD 101 BROOKFIELD pony insulators (center) that I was told came from the BROOKFIELD- OLD BRIDGE plant site.

I purchased these along with a selection of other insulators at the Washington Courthouse Flea Market, Ohio sometime in the early 70's.

The seller had a group of dirty, nasty, filled with sand and gray-ish mud, insulators that he had found at the Brookfield plant site in New Jersey. Claimed they were found along a river bank. The pinholes were packed with this "river" debris which had dried in place and was somewhat difficult to remove.

Now, many years later, I feel that these two pieces were "rejects" that didn't get remelted into the glass mix.

Flanked on the left and right by what I consider "normal" 3-3/8" pieces . The taller of the two in middle is 3-3/4" tall. Also, note the height variance of the wire groove.

The pinholes are crude and deformed. Also, annealing cracks are present. The right one has an under pour on the bottom of the skirt.

Just wish the plant site was closer. I feel that there is the possibility that more material like this is still washing out of the banks.