Boston Area Fire Alarm Insulators Still in the Air.

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted December 20, 2019

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Following are several random photos of some abandoned fire alarm lines here in the Boston vicinity. These are Google images taken along some pretty "shady" neighborhood streets (I am not talking about shade trees here..) so I let Mr. Google and his assistants do the job. These lines were disconnected about ten years ago. I have not been tempted to inspect exactly what is above because I do not want to be any closer to God than where I walk on Earth right now. Most of these insulators were likely picked over long ago anyway, with fairly common stuff adorning the remains in the next photos. Sights like this were commonplace up until the 70s around here. After then, paired enclosed cable did a lot of the aging iron wire systems in. Or multiple open wires were placed on spool racks. Fortunately in this particular city, newer stuff was not the rule and the old crossarms were placed on new poles. Further, it is apparent that the city used whatever they could get their hands on, given the wide selection of glass with hardly any porcelain.

BTW, that appears to be a lonely CD 136 on the far left.