Pony Duplex Pin and Bracket

By John Wise; posted May 10, 2003

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Browns pony, pin and side bracket.

History- When i was a young lineman for GTE, we had to remove some circuits of open wire in the Turnbull Canyon area, above Whittier, California. There was an old Spanish style Hacienda up in there that was quite large. There were two six pin arms that fed the property, each arm had 6 duplex pins, however only 2 circuits were being used. Can't recall what the top 2 insulators were, but we did get 2 CD 187's. One of the circuits was deadended on the old house with 2 steel brackets one of which I kept and my collector lineman friend kept the other. They had been on the house for some time and were quite rusty. the original wood pin on the bracket was trashed, probably because of the strain on it, and I discarded it. The pin in the picture is from one of the crossarms because it was in much better shape. As memory serves me we did discover some more of the brackets at other locations, but never saved them. I'm sure they are still on houses somewhere in uptown Whittier.