Leffort's Hook - Dario's guess to hook with hole all the way through. 5

By Dario Dimare; posted July 7, 2019

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BROOKS HOOK, Pope 1871

This is my guess as to how this insulator may have worked. I cannot even prove it is an insulator, but it has all the characteristics of a Leffort's, ramshorn type hook insulator. I will post several articles from old books on this type of insulator. Some have the hook screwing into the cross arm; some have it held in place with a wood dowel going past a groove; some use rubber; and some have other ways of securing it. The concept is still the same. A metal hook with a glass covering hung from a wood crossarm, drumstick, or block. This is purely my guess. Since the Leffort's hooks do not have CDs nor do the ramshorns, this will not get a CD assignment unless I can get definitive proof otherwise. It is still a cool piece for sure. Hat's off to Mike for his find! (PLEASE SEE NEXT SEVERAL POSTS)