Antique Store Treasure & Trash

By Chris Cotnoir; posted June 25, 2019

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Same store; different vendors. Treasure on the left is a beautiful, near pristine CD 285 in Blue to Blue Aqua. In addition to cool bubbles, it has some olive squiggles, but the real eye-catcher is the extended and tipped innermost skirt making the whole insulator sit at an angle and rock back and forth. Trash on the right is a fugly CD 145 CREB that obviously has been nuked. The tag described it as deep forest green, but it sure ain't that. It's too bad, too, because the condition is really quite excellent, and there is a milky worm that wraps around the pinhole and extends into the inner skirt, but it's wicked hard to see because of the hideous coloration. I paid the six bucks just to take it out of circulation. If the NIA doesn't want this one for its altered insulators display, I'm going to introduce it to my insulator de-nuker hammer, distant relative and long-time admirer of the well-known Hatchet Jack!