Insulators on T.V. Combat!

By Dennis Stewart; posted May 15, 2019

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While watching old episodes of Combat! from the early sixties, there was a shot of an electrical setup at a temporary prison compound. It was part of the thought process that gave SGT Saunders his plan to electrify the fence to knock out the guard so they could escape. The premise took a long time to establish and was started by the Sergeant getting a shock off a shorting light fixture in the building they were kept in. The next suggestion was when a guard poked his rifle through the fence with his metal bayonet contacting the wire. Then came the scene of the shot of the insulators to fully establish the thought process going on and you could see the wheels turning in Saunder's head after each scene and as he stared at the electrical wires. The insulators look like glass exchanges painted white. The series was depicting Europe but was filmed in Southern California.