Six Corning Pyrex 401s in Service, 1995.

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted September 5, 2018

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This mid 20s - 1930s line is in central Massachusetts and is a few miles long. I believe it was predominantly outfitted with Pyrex 401s and Ohio Brass multiparts (of a certain style, I forget which, nothing rare). A lot of this route has been upgraded through the years however a few of the Pyrex glass are still up in the air.

Shown is a double-armed pole with six Pyrex insulators nicely perched atop it. And probably left untouched since day one. This is the only pole remaining along the route outfitted exclusively with Pyrex glass.

Keep clicking "Previous" for several more cool photos of Pyrex insulators in service that I am sharing with you from my photo albums. Enjoy!!