Trading Extravaganza III: Oddball CD 106 (SOLD), CD 127 (SOLD) and U-148 (SOLD)

By Colin Jung; posted April 12, 2018

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(L to R) Here is a Hemingray No. 9, CD 106[250] in I believe gray. I don't ever find stuff like this in California. Middle guy appears to be an unlisted No Name CD 127 with MLOD, thick base, one-inch diameter pinhole, and just an embossed "cross" on the dome. While it does have a milky amber swirl; it is not milky. What you see is just soil staining. I can't find a listing in the Briel Guide nor mention in Doug Rusher's excellent research article on the CD 127's in CJOW. On the right side is an oddball Pittsburg beehive. I am use to seeing the U-148's but the wire groove is too high. See next photo for a better view of the Pittsburg beehive [id=528797189]

All three combined or individually are available for trade for your oddball Cals or something off my want list [id=525541300]. Cash to even out all trades. Each trader is responsible for mailing his trader. Trade not complete until both parties are satisfied.