less I bore you ... dress for the occasion ..

By Jack Snyder; posted February 6, 2018

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Way in the back ground is the Oliver Hazard Perry Monument a 352 foot Doric column that was constructed on South Bass Island [Put in Bay] to commemorate the defeat of the Royal British Navy during the War of 1812.

In Sept of 1812 in this same area ... Perrys' ship the Lawrence is in splinters with great loss of life after a naval engagement with the British Royal Navy in light winds. Perry transfered his battle Flag [Don't Give up the Ship] to the Niagara. With great luck the wind shifts and Perry managed to sail the Niagara between the British ships and raked them with canon fire. In 12 minutes the entire British naval fleet surrendered. That is the 1st time in British Naval History an entire naval fleet is defeated. This US victory was aided when 2 of the tacking British ships entangled their rigging and they failed to engage in the battle. This defeat of the British tilts the War of 1812 to the Americans. Perry's famous quote was ... "We have met the enemy and they are ours. Two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop". The British Navy is forced to return to Canada and the Great Lakes shipping routes become the Americans domain.