The National Circus has left Town - sad to see you go

By Mike Gaudy; posted July 29, 2017

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It has been very encouraging reading expressions of gratitude by both show attendees and hosts. I was honored to be part of the 2017 NATL festivities. While I am relieved that "it is all over" I can't help but to feel a little sad. I am sorry that I could not visit longer with many of the collectors that I have come to know over the past 15 years. I had to cut the show short on both ends, because my wife's back problems surfaced with a vengeance three days before the show. With filled medication prescriptions and neighbors standing by; she encouraged me to go to the show that we have been working on for over a year.

I have been working with the core planners and directly with Dan on raffles and auctions. I am aware of the many unannounced sacrifices of time, money and insulators. Dan and Wendy are truly generous and I count it a blessing to call them friends.

Thank you to all who made donations and to those who assisted behind the scenes. And thank you wives (especially my own) your sacrifice is appreciated.