14" skirt, top of a PHV multi-part, small glass suspensions

By Mary Ann Pike; posted May 14, 2017

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Yesterday I bought this 14+ inch skirt from the same place I got the three beehives [id=499297631]. He intriguingly told me that the woman he got it from had a bunch of other ones in different sizes and they were obtained from a plant when it closed. I'm waiting for him to put me in touch with her.

The glass bells are from the antique store where I found the birdhouse cutouts [id=499275726]. I think they are Sediver, they have a marking that starts with SED on the cap.

I think the top two skirts of the date stamped PHV are from an M-3070. I need to get the broken top of the lower skirt out, then find a new bottom to cement in. Someone gave me a lower skirt but I'm not sure it's correct.