Rare Unlisted STAR Insulator! Sold

By Caleb Thimell; posted September 28, 2016

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Here's a rare French glass insulator with an unlisted embossing with STAR (note the line crossing the A is missing) (Front) B3 (Reverse). The size is also unlisted at 3 1/2 W x 4 5/8 Tall. Also has unusual bubbles in the skirt which are uncommon in French insulators. Chips on each lower crown ridge below each ear above the wire groove (1 index finger nail, and 4 pinky nail flakes), some shoulder tie-wire scratches, a small peck and a few scattered tiny fleabites.

This rare French insulator was made circa WW1 and comes with an unlisted embossing and is a potential candidate for a new cd number since it is a full 1/2 inch shorter than the GIFONA listed CD 577.5. To my knowledge, this embossing [id= 479621629] (with the line crossing the A missing) is completely unknown to the hobby and can be added to your collection to the first email who says they want it for only $200 plus shipping. Other STAR embossed insulators have been found on a select few other examples all of which are considered rare. Thanks!