102 Brookfield pony group that'll knock your socks off !SoldThanks Grease Gun !!

By Daniel Ling; posted November 28, 2015

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or lift your skirt up, blow your mind, leave you breathless, yada, yada, yada. It's all a "marketing ploy" right ? These are rare, one day only sale, somebody else wants 'em bad (and that ain't good), Black Saturday Sale, .... so on and so forth. ....Whatever ..... If you like Brookfield ponies then look these VNM units over using "view original". The purple W. BF is a (080) and the amber streak and the two shotguns are (090). The sleeper is the blue shotgun with the little bubbles. Just a beautiful unit ! $60.00 and I'll cover the shipping ! First email that says' "I'll take it.". No PayPal. Email with questions.