CD 133 SKEB with Carbon Steam Fountain

By Chris Cotnoir; posted September 27, 2015

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Here's something you don't see every day. It's a CD 133 EIN [010] (Dome) [Backwards] 5 (F-Skirt) BROOKFIELD (R-Skirt) NEW YORK SB in greenish aqua with a fountain of carbon steam bubbles exploding from the base right below BROOK in front. There is an open base bubble that was caused by this phenomenon. From this the steam shoots off in two directions: up into the pinhole where it ends in a series of seed bubbles, and off to the right behind the front embossing. The character really shows when underlit. Click on View Original above for even more detail. There are lehr kisses above the IE and on the wire ridge at the right mold line, and the mold number on the dome is ghosted at least twice. Inquiries welcome.