Last weekend's loot

By Fred Collier; posted August 25, 2014

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I took off from work last Friday because I wanted to catch an auction in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. The auction didn't start until 1:00 pm so I had some time to check out some antique shops and malls on the way. I had to wait about a half hour for the first mall to open at 10:00 am, but it was worth the wait! Upon a shelf in about the third booth sat a VNM Brookfield CD 149 in a light aqua for $18. Couldn't leave it. It left with me. The trip was already worthwhile. At the auction, I had to wait most of the day for the box lots of insulators to come up. The auction was mostly for bottles and the prices were going sky high. I was beginning to wonder if I would be able to acquire any of the insulators there. Most of the bids were coming in by phone or computer and the local bottle collectors were getting flustered. I managed to win the bids on two box lots of insulators for very reasonable prices and I left the auction very happy. Among the loot was a VNM 1871 CD 132 bullet in a light lime green, a CD 126 Brookfield in a green aqua with lots of milky swirls, two lightning rod side tab insulators, one in aqua with an amber swirl and one in a light straw, a CD 121 McLaughlin in black glass olive amber, a CD 106 Star in yellow olive green, an Aussie bottle insulator in straw, a CD 162 Hemingray in a dark orange amber and, best of all, a mint CD 127 light blue Paisley with lots of character! There was about a dozen other insulators in the box lots, but they aren't worth talking about. Leaving the auction, I had just enough time to visit one more antique mall on the way home. There I found a CD 106 two tone Hemingray in green/blue and an odd shaped Brookfield pony that I want to show Brent.