Winter smoke and steam

By Dave Kingston; posted November 6, 2002

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Brent's post reminded me of a trip that several of us took up there for one of their "Winter Woolies" many years ago. It was COLD that February weekend; strange, the year before it was in the 50s! Anyway, the morning of the excursion, we all left late from Rockhill Furnace for Mt. Union to catch the action. Along the way, Dave Novak was looking out the back window of the car and suddenly yells: "I see SMOOOKE!!!!" An immediate turn onto the shoulder of the road and a brilliant episode of fence-hopping brought us near the track. I just barely had time to whip out the camera and point and shoot and as true to form, it was my last exposure on the roll. So, this is what the EBT was all about.