Diamond 102 Mustard??

By Matthew Willett; posted January 21, 2014

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I just got this one in the mail today and shot these pictures of it in my back lit case. I know the 102 diamond colors can get tricky... But with a little research on icon I think It may be a mustard yellow?!?

I found a post by John Graham titled CD 102 [060] Diamonds If you check it out, in this post he has a large lineup of diamond 102s and he asked a bunch of collectors as to what color they would call each one. Without a doubt, mine looks almost identical to the second one in on the bottom, which every individual called some type of mustard, anywhere from yellow mustard, dark mustard and brown mustard. Here are the pics that I took of mine on the bottom of this pic, along with a cropped pic of a few in the lineup that I referenced above. I have it sitting on a shelf right now and the two pictures on the bottom of this picture look of my insulator are very consistent with what I am seeing in person. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks for checking out my find! :) I had taken another picture of it being backlit by natural light and it wasn't coming out as the true color to what I was seeing in person because it was a bit darker out.

Thanks to those that helped out! The front runner is dark mustard....every entry had some type of mustard. :)