CD 735 UPRR - Mulford & Biddle Threadless - Sold

By Dave Wiecek; posted May 12, 2013

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CD 735 Threadless Mulford & Biddle with the UPRR embossing in a teal blue. A Paul Bunyan hangnail flake takes out the Mulford & Biddle embossing on the rear skirt. The chip is a clean break and large enough that I would not be surprised if the missing piece is not in someone's collection of threadless pieces found along the original Transcontinental Railroad right of way. The insulator stands up fine and when viewed head on, as is pictured, looks to be an otherwise mint specimen. If you have the UPRR embossing, that is likely the side you are going to want to view anyway. Additional pictures upon request. Price $100.00 shipped. A great way to add a threadless insulator of historical significance to your collection at an affordable price. First email as always. PayPal welcomed. Contact me first for details.