New Jersey, Reddish Fogger Insulators, Transformer Bank

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted September 23, 2012

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This is a fairly modern installation although with older bright mahogany red suspension "fog style" insulators seen towards the left. These probably were made by Locke, ITE or Lapp during the 1960s or before. The primary voltage here is in the order of around 13kv; on line post insulators mounted upon an "alley" arm. The wire the vintage deadend insulators is employing is solid copper, typical of the pre-WW2 days. It is surely neat to see this old stuff reused! It also is rather unusual to see fuse cutouts mounted onto horizontally mounted post-type insulators as well. The steel "rack" this transformer bank is mounted upon looks like it is from perhaps the 1950s or early 1960s. Alunimum ones have been pretty much the standard since the early 1960s. Quite possibly there was an upgrade here through the years since light gray transformers and associated equipment date from c.1965 and later.

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