Scarce Jobling-Purse Pyrex Embossed Radio Strain!

By Caleb Thimell; posted December 31, 2011

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Here's a typical looking clear Pyrex glass radio antenna strain. Turn it over and check out this stylish "JP" initials for Jobling-Purse (click view original photo), the name of the founder and his nephew who joined the James A. Jobling & Co Ltd in 1902. In 1931 Jobling won the rights to manufacture and sell Pyrex glass products in the UK (except Canada). In 1971 Corning bought the rights back along with ownership of the entire company! Insulator was made in England.

This radio strain is in VNM shape with only a small scuff mark and 3-4 teeny pings and factory ground end. First email gets this tough piece for only $50 plus postage. Combine with other items to save. Thanks!