Me doing what I do when not hunting or working.

By Ken Litster; posted October 26, 2011

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Performing the night away and having fun with the audience at a Saturday performance. I try to find any folk type festivals I can or coffee houses to play at when I'm not putting on concerts. Grew tired of playing bars and other people's music. I also play at all sick childrens charity events that I'm invited to, nothing better to donate your time to than children, they are our future. You get back happiness ten fold over the money you miss out on :)

I don't share the last name of my father, but he was also a Canadian folk singer and I don't wish to ride his coat tails, especially when I think it was likely a fling a young woman had with a musician (my mother of course) lol, though it might be figured out when my next album is released lol. That and I don't have his talent lol. I am always for hire for events, and as for charity events, if I can afford to get to them, I'm there.

I have a very small insulator collection (I am not a wealthy collector, so what we have we have worked hard to find) I share with my daughter but we cherish it, and music is our way of giving back to the less fortunate. My daughter is my hunting partner and my sound check girl and I am fortunate enough that we are still stuck together like glue even though she is now 17 years old. Life doesn't take money, it takes friends and love.