End of the fish story

By Bob Scafe; posted July 23, 2011

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Lake Trout are a very long lived fish, and quite slow growing.

This fish of 38 inches and 28 lbs 11 oz could be up to 40 years old, and if it remains in good health, could live another 20-30 years, and depending on availability of feed, could grow to 50 plus pounds.

They are majestic fish, and while not the best eating quality, a fish this size is great fun caught on a fly rod

As you can see, it is being held in the water so it can recover it's strength. Barely moments after taking the picture, this beautiful fish swam away, and returned to the depths of the lake.

I have dreams of a 35 pounder next year. That may be my dream for many years to come, who knows...