A Big Fish Story

By Bob Scafe; posted July 23, 2011

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Bev and I went fishing at Bridge Lake, just an hour north of Kamloops. Ordinarily, this is a great lake for 3-5 lb Kokanee, so we booked 2 weeks from May 29 to June 10th. As most everyone knows, this was a most unusual winter, and spring was very late arriving, resulting in the lake being very slow to warm up. Short story, the Kokanee were NOT biting, but the Lake Trout were ravenous, and were biting at anything that moved.

This is Bev's largest fish ever. She caught it on a fly rod, trolling a tiny 1.5 inch lure. She wanted Kokanee, only Kokanee, not this 17 lb 10 oz Lake Trout. As you can see, she did smile, finally, when she found out that she had the big fish this year at the lodge. Last year, the big fish was only 13 lbs, so Bev had that well beaten.

By the way, I was in the boat with her when she hooked it, fought it, and brought it to net, and I am here to tell you, she got really excited when the fish finally came alongside the boat. I was told in no uncertain terms that the fish was not coming into the boat while she was still in the boat. Anyway, we got past that, and it was decided the fish could stay at my end of the boat. Yes, she got excited, and she did smile until the fish wiggled while the picture was being taken.