1971 Nebraska Show, Tom Wolf, Look at those JEWELS!

By Richard Case; posted June 2, 2011

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1971 Nebraska Show, Tom Wolf, Look at those JEWELS! I can spot an Otis LRI, Jumbos, Cobalt 134, CD 200 California, B spool, Yellow Californias, Electric Blue Mouse, EC&M's, Threadless, Amber T.H.E. Co., N.A.T.Co. s, Amber H.G.Co. B hives. Amber Hemingray No. 8,...Boston.. Westinghouse's, ..etc.. I traded and bought a few pieces from Tom and he always had top glass,...But in those days a good Insulator was high priced and a buck went a lot further and many dealers traded a lot more..

Today you just don't see this glass like in the early years. At least not as often.