Our insulator hunter runs into who built the poles

By Carl Schwendeman; posted May 11, 2011

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Lotto headed away from the large unknown city in front of him and started heading out into the strange alien county side that awaited him out in hilly county side which over looked the grant side. Finally after much walking and flying and hunting he had seen what he had ventured to this alien landscape for and that was glass telephone pole insulators and he sure hit the insulator jack pot all right in that right across from him in a great grape vinyard that must went on for miles was a old decaying row of old stainless steel double cross arm poles with rows and rows of strange lovely green and blue alien glass insulators looking down at him from the top of the old poles that must have went on for miles in that there where at least 30 poles in his sights with no wires on them to stop him from pulling down the jems that sat high on top of them.

He pulled out his trusted 24 foot long insulator grabber that had helped him defeat hunderds of telephone and telegraph poles before him but nothing like these unknown poles in that no insulator hunter before him had seen anything like these poles and these strange insulators that sat a top of them. He quickly got to work and with in a half a hour he had a nicely lovely bag of them to take home with him but of course like most insulator hunters it's easy to get greedy and so he kept wacking insulators intill a hour pasted and he had more then he could carry on him.

Meanwhile right be hind him Mati was flying over head checking on her father's vineyards to see what was going on and to check on if anyone was trying to steal grapes but then she suddenly saw the strange bird using the strange yellow tool that was sucking on to the tops of the strange glass things that had sat on the row of old poles for as long as she could remember and that he was somehow able to twist them off with ease and then wack them and they went falling down right into his claws.

It was her family's vinyard so she went right up behind him and asked him, "What's you doing? Kind of strange that someone would go though all that trouble to go after something like those worthless glass things on those old poles vs going after our grapes like so many other people do?"

Lotto turned around and looked in shock at the large bluejay that was as tall as him. So he figured he better say something to them in that he knew now that one of locals had figured out he was here insulator hunting and most likely eather wanted to know what he was doing or they wanted him off of their land. Mati Meanwhile was curoius at this site of someone knocking insulators off of poles with a 24 foot plasic pole with a rubber suckiton cup on the end of it.

Kids don't try to build a insulator grabber and try to pull insulators off of poles you might not know what is a power pole and what is a true telephole. Insulators grabbers are only safe when the poles are abondoned and have no wires on them and they also have to be true telephone poles which 95% of what we think are telephone poles are not really true telephone poles but power poles with very high voltages on them