Unknown U number? (Now identified U-605)

By Cory Conway; posted March 29, 2011

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So i found this little cable about a year ago on a local line on a downed pole, but i just haven't been able to find anything like it around here, or in pictures elsewhere. Anyone think they could give me an idea as to a U number and possible value? If so, shoot me an email (conwayboysetc@yahoo.com) thanks everyone

Due to spam, if you have any information about this piece, please send an email to conwayboysetc@aim.com, just too many emails to sort through.

**forgot to add a few details when I posted it (was in a hurry) its around 2 3/8 to 2 1/2'' tall and right on the dot at 3" wide at the base, and it has 2 skirts (inner and outer) and no markings that are clearly distinguishable.

***Sorry it took so long, but this piece has been identified as a U-605 by Steve Lohr, thanks Steve!

****My apologies to David Dahle and Zac Mirecki for not responding to their emails (my yahoo.com email is loaded with spam, and I don't usually check that one much anymore) but Dave also identified this as a U-605 with a value of $10-15 due to no embossing. Thanks for the interest and the information that was contributed to helping me identify the piece.