A Very rare CD 522.5 LVIV Ukranian piece

By Rudy Gargioni; posted February 26, 2011

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Here is a piece you see often in ice green, or the current production Aqua pieces, but this Olive green piece is very rare, If i remember correctly, there was only a very small number, around 10 that came out of the Ukraine a number of years back, and no more have surfaced since then, this example, along with another I've seen, both have the same date on them, 93, if I understand correctly, they put the year of production on these as 2 digit numbers on the back, so these were made for a very short time as far as I know, what is really great about this piece is the uneven coloring, its almost as if they were goofing off at the factory, and dumped a batch of amber glass into an aqua glass insulator, you can very faintly see what looks like aqua in some of the skirt, I'll post a photo of the skirt to show it, it is a wonderful piece, and is very attractive in my window.