Odd patent panelled insulator?

By Chris McClelland; posted February 20, 2011

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I saw this yesterday at the Ohio bottle show and the guy selling it claimed this was an insulator and that it had been documented in some insulator book AS an insulator. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera along with me, but this drawing I made it exactly how it looked and is. The piece is blackglass, has PATENT down one panel with a rounded threaded type neck. The piece is about 4" long. I myself cannot see HOW this could be any type of insulator as it has no way to be attached to anything, it's thin walled hollow glass, and there's no place for a wire to be attached. I myself think it's some kind of poison bottle or bottle for something else, however, I could be wrong. Has anyone in the insulator collecting community seen this or have any knowledge of what this could be? It was at yesterday's Columbus Ohio bottle show and was marked $1,700. Please post to ICON. This has me intrigued and might be of interest to other collectors.