Georgia Railroad Telegraph pole with CD 126's

By Michael Green; posted January 28, 2011

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I found this old telegraph pole along a certain section of the Georgia Railroad a few years ago. This section of railroad was completed in the early 1850's. It seems as though a telegraph line wasn't added until the 1870's. Original insulators to the line were CD 126 and 127 CREB's and CD 127 H. Brooke's. A old time collector who is now dead, first hunted the line back in the 1970's. He told me he found a few CD 126's in green and some CD 127 H. Brookes pieces still on the poles with the old iron wire hanging in the trees. He also found some CD 154 Whitall Tatums in purple that were used as replacements for the older pieces. Most of the old poles and cross arms have rotted away. This one was cut down and leaning against a tree. I carried it over a mile back to my truck. The CD 126's are not original to this pole, but were all found on this line by me.