Updated Display Cabinet

By Steven Bahre Jr.; posted December 27, 2010

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I decided to take a picture of my backlit case with my new camera. I rearranged, added, and subtracted insulators from my last picture, [id=295560851], and here's what's in it now:

From the Top, Left to Right:

-15 different colored Canadian Ponies, (The dark purple fourth from left is new.)

-CD 145 base embossed American beehives. The second from right is my new Apple Green one.)

-The purple shelf, starting with a smoky straw McL toll on left, over to a royal purple 190/191

-The green shelf

-Five on left are junk in glass, followed by a opal E-14B, then misc. oldies

-Two NAJ's, a Lauckner, two frosted insulators, and a '92 National commem., followed by misc. oldies

-Misc. power pieces

Hope you like 'em!