This is one Ugly Mudder

By Bob Scafe; posted October 29, 2010

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Because of emoticon issues on his computer, Aidan Morgan of Kelowna can't post this beauty to the Photo Gallery. I volunteered, and as a result, get to tell the story my way, almost.

Hi Bob, I think I got it off the Dominion Government Telegraph line which came after the Yukon line but on the early B.C. Tel toll lead heading north on Hwy 97 out of Cache Creek . The insulator has a grooved base with the unglazed pointed pin hole. It must of been the hot temperatures of Cache Creek that made it try to sweat off it's glaze. Aidan

This is one of the roughest finishes I have seen on an insulator, and usually the Yukons are quite nicely finished. Someone was definitely having a bad day.

I spotted this insulator while visiting Aidan last Tuesday. I had taken my wife Bev to the airport in Kelowna and invited Aidan to come see her off to Edmonton. We returned to Aidans home, and I was admiring his " new " insulator and old telephone room.

He has done a beautiful job of displaying all his Canadian threadless in an old triangular top lighted display case. His threaded insulators are nicely displayed and lighted on shelves against one wall, and he has nicely set up his old phones along another wall. He has done such a nice job, you just want to pick up every piece. He has some lovely insulators, but better than that is the spacious open feeling of his display room. Very tastfully done.